February 27, 2011

Project 52 {week nine} - a truth about mom and dad in the eyes of Nicholas

It's always a wake up call to see yourself through the eyes of your children. Nicholas' assignment was to draw a picture of mom and dad...I surely expected him to draw me with a camera in front of my face...but *sigh* this is what he drew.

Upon closer inspection of his artwork, we can gain some further insight into what he thinks. He is such a smart little guy and his viewpoint is from the most innocent of truths.

First of all...the title says a lot:

this is sadly, all too true and thus, I have taped this particular piece of art about my computer desk as a reminder to get off my computer and go play with him.

Now...looking at his drawing...we can tell the he thinks we work hard...so hard in fact that our computers are on FIRE. hee hee. Again, so true.

Also...we know which one is mommy and which is daddy...how do we know? well I asked him and he said that mommy has a big butt. nice. Again...the innocent truth in that is oh so refreshing....

ok...I'm off to the gym! ;)


Jo said...

LOL! So sweet and funny Farrah!

nicole said...

LOL! That is sweet!