January 16, 2011

Project 52 {week three} - The last day of 3!

On this day, four years ago, I woke up, rolled my giant self out of bed and thought to myself "any day now, little guy, any day." At 1pm, my water broke and I was admitted to the hospital and put on Pitosin...just a matter of waiting. Nicholas was born on January 17, 2007...but on this joyful day of leaving the "three's" behind us, I thought I would reflect on his previous birthdays before I post his 4yr pics tomorrow.

A tiny little guy going home for the first time:

The photo I used for his birth announcement - He's about a week old:

My favorite from his FIRST birthday cake smash...after he'd destroyed the cake, he gave me this look as if to say "what cake? I didn't see any cake"

The little stinker finally posed for his 2 year photos...*sigh*...taking photos of him has been a challenge since he was 1...but every once in awhile I've been able to get some FANTASTIC captures.

And, lastly, his big 3rd Birthday Pirate party!!!

Wow...time has flown, but we'll get to that tomorrow. Come back tomorrow to see what a handsome FOUR year old he makes!!!

1 comment:

Val said...

Happy Birthday, Nicholas!!