January 16, 2011


You know those days that you know that no matter how much time has past or whatever has happened since, you'll always remember everything about that day? You remember it like it happened yesterday and every detail is sharp in your mind. Four years ago today is one of those days for me. I remember the entire day...like it was only yesterday...and as I think of that day, I can NOT believe that 4 years have passed. I remember the restless night with an ineffective epidural and Mike dozing on the couch (or *trying* to) and Sarah the anesthesiologist telling me that I couldn't push the button so often. I remember the pitosin making my contractions less and less bearable and making me thirstier and thirstier. I remember the exact moment I hit 10cm. I remember pushing for 3.5 hours and having Dr. T coming in at 11 am to tell me that my little guy hadn't moved at all...my response? "Can't you cut him out, like right NOW?" and I remember waiting that extra 30 minutes for the anesthesiologist to arrive and get me prepped for surgery. I remember shaking with fear and excitement. And, I remember 11:34 am...one of the happiest moments of my life when Nicholas was born....I remember as if it were yesterday.

Happy 4th Birthday my sweet prince. I love you with all my heart. I'm so proud of who you've become...so grown up and so handsome.

1 comment:

WMC Photography said...

So sweet Farrah. I love the 2nd and 4th ones. What a handsome little guy.