Every year, I try to make a few realistic resolutions and on occasion, I even keep them! LOL This year, I thought that I'd have a better chance of sticking to my goals if I write them down.
1- The obligatory weight loss resolution- I exceeded my goal for last year, but would love to keep going. I think about 10 more lbs should do it (ok...plus the 2 I've gained since Thanksgiving).
2- I really need to drink more water...not just to help with resolution #1, but also because it's soooo dry and I feel practically dessicated! I have a harder time drinking water when it's cold, but that's also when it's the most dry and I need it the most. My poor little cracked fingers...lotion just isn't enough!
3- I'd like to assume the best in everyone and everything. Not only do I LOVE this quote, but it's my new motto for the year!
Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler
4- I plan to waste less time on the internet. It's a great tool and a great way to stay connected, but it also has a way of sucking me in and I lose track of time so easily...so when I'm more efficient with my time on-line, I have much more time to get the things I really want done finished!
5- I need to stop being lazy and work more! I need to get more work done for my day job and get my papers out. I need to work more at home to keep organized and keep the house cleaner/less cluttered. And, I need to work more to come up with new and more unique ideas for my photography business, not to mention developing a better organization system for paperwork and workflow.
6- Lastly, I need to play more...I'm always working on something, and forget to take some time to just have fun! =)
and since a post just isn't quite the same without a photo...here is a photo of my berry pie...not sure why I'm so drawn to this one, but I just LOVE it!