December 2, 2010

25 days of Christmas - Day 2

Every once in awhile I can get great cooperation and he's totally into it! Here, he is helping me play with my latest collection, err..."obsession"...vintage cameras!


Anonymous said...

Oh I ADORE these!! I too have a vintage camera collection. Auctions, yard sales, and flea markets are my weaknesses. And I'm pretty sure I inherited this from my father who does the exact same thing!

Elizabeth said...

so adorable! these look great! I was curious what type of cameras you had gotten.. I too have been scoping them out- a friend of mine inspired me with her collection. and now I am hooked on having them displayed in my *studio*! love his hat too of course!

bcgal00 Rae said...

Love the photos and this reminds me to get out the old antique camera I found at a garage sale this summer and use it as a prop.