August 30, 2009

Day 2 - a VERY longgggg day

I would love to personally thank everyone who has been so kind and have posted on my blog and on FB...but that would probably take days! You are all THE best!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for thinking of us and I really love having friends from all over the world! =)

We finally got discharged late yesterday afternoon and it feels so good to be home. We spent the evening with Nicholas and we both needed some mommy-Nicholas time and then we cuddled on the couch and he fell asleep on my lap...awwwww...what a sweetheart! <3

I actually got a great night's sleep for once, only waking to feed Claire. I'm sore today, but feeling better. Here are a couple of snapshots from when we got home. Claire and daddy chillin' and Pondsy came over to check out the next little one to pull his tail! =)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

love this... just shows true life of adapting. always love the baby girls on their daddy's.